Monday, October 12, 2009


I can no longer be silent. Just as with the Academy Awards, Grammys, Emmys, and the endless other once-honorable distinctions that teem around us, I see the Nobel Awards have become phony and political beyond question.

Last year, with the presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore, they stood on shaky ground. He did little-to-nothing toward world peace. He did produce a film of questionable credentials which advanced an unproven premise that humans are completely responsible for all bad things in nature. Global warming, ozone depletion, destructive hurricanes, rising sea levels--Al says they are all our fault. It's us driving our cars, breathing, and the cattle we eventually eat are farting out in the Texas pastures. (Never mind that the earth has been warming a long time. The glaciers are gone, right? And the most prevalent greenhouse gas is neither carbon dioxide nor California smog--it's simple water vapor.) Al, with the straightest of faces, bent over and accepted his laurel last year, having spewed misinformation everywhere and misled perhaps millions of gullible individuals.

And it had nothing to do with world peace. It just barely had anything to do with truth.

So now the Nobel committee has given the same Peace Prize to President Obama this year, a move so preposterous that even the mainstream media outlets are taken aback.

"What's he done in nine months?" they ask.

Actually, nothing. He hasn't done a thing. That's probably good because his goals are just all real bad for America. Think of something the government has done well; so well that you want them to do more for you. Like manage your health care, manage the money we are taxed, secure our borders, protect our way of life. The President wants government to regulate our banks and industry but he can't seem to realize he is selling us out. His own administration is spending far more than it takes in, growing our debt so fast and deep that our grandchildren will be paying it off too. And not a single problem has been solved, or even ameliorated. Some are worse.

So they give him the Peace Prize? For what? To whom has he brought peace? America? Hell no. He has ignored the Afghan war since he was elected. He has met with his general only three times in nine months. He can't seem to decide if he should commit more troops--which the Army has requested--to make some progress in the war, or throw in the towel.

So somehow the Nobel people have made this award. The nominations had to be in last year, before he was actually elected. (How did that work? Whoever wrote his nomination was certain that he would be Nobel-worthy before he actually lifted a pen to sign something?) He was nominated without yet having bowed before a Saudi prince or insulted policemen everywhere.

Everyone has said they want peace. All past presidents for eons back have said they want peace. Obama says he wants peace but he gets the Nobel prize for it. With last year's award to Gore and this one to the President does anyone besides me think the Nobel prize has become a political apple?

Like the Oscars, the Nobels no longer represent a recognition of the best in a field. They are phony politically-correct shows of guilt carried by tired old liberals who have worked their way into every freaking part of mainstream life. And with liberals its all about intent, not results. When the libs took over public education, if kids tried to do well, but failed anyway, then the libs felt they should be treated just the same--better maybe-- than students who really did do well. So that is what the Nobels are--prizes for good intent. We all want peace. Shouldn't we all get a Nobel prize?