Once in a while, the well fills up with crap from the barnyard and I have to clean it all out to make room for the water. That was a metaphor; for those literalists among you I simply have to rid myself of the pile of random thoughts that accumulate in my head in order for me to think.
For instance: A government panel just announced that most women should delay mammograms until age 50 or later, in complete and utter opposition to modern medical practice. Countless women have intercepted breast cancers at all ages due to early detection. It appears this is the first step to government rationed care: saying really stupid things and saying it often enough at high levels so everyone will think it's true. So where is the outrage from the National Organization of Women?
Is there a mathematical correlation between facial hair, beer-drinking and camouflage-wearing?
Peyton Manning is better in commercials than professional actors. He is actually funny.
Sarah Palin comes off as a bright, strong and energetic person, well-versed in issues of the day. Understandably her opponents and the mainstream press (one and the same) have tried to make her into a shallow Barbie-doll, moved up onto the national stage only to cash in on her good looks. Tina Fey heartily enjoyed perpetuating this concept with her SNL impersonations. If the National Organization of Women purports to be a voice on behalf of women, where is their outrage at Palin's dissing?
Why is the 'delete' key so close to the 'end' key and the arrow keys? Put it up on the top row where it won't be erroneously hit. By me.
Why do airlines have dining service departments with up to fifty employees? They don't board food on any but the longest flights, mostly those going overseas. Does anyone wonder why they don't make money operating like this?
Who was the first person to realize that a rattlesnake was poisonous?
The people running our government(s) remind me--as I have said before--of the fat kid guarding the pie. Like Ronald Reagan said, don't believe anyone who says "Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
The forecasters always give rain probability in percentages; shouldn't it always be 50%? Either it will rain or it won't.
When the coalition forces drove the Taliban out of Afghanistan in the months after 9-11, the Islamic government which had oppressed its own women for years was replaced by one that brought women into the present. Women could hold jobs, be seen in public, wear clothes of their choosing and attend school. The Taliban didn't even permit women to go to freakin' school, people. Again, where was the outrage from the National Organization of Women? They are too shy and retiring to comment on the abysmal treatment of their sisters in that Seventh-century land? Amazingly NOW could not bring themselves to cheer the betterment of Afghan women as a byproduct of dislocation of terrorists. I guess the Afghan women weren't clamoring for abortions?
I do not understand why I have 500 CD's and only four cases for them. Where do they go?
Ron White is a funny, funny man, but he's 50+ years old so it's time to give up pot, Ron. Stick to the scotch--it's legal and will mess you up just as bad. Of course, I'm sure you know that by now.
99% of lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. It pains me to say that because my daddy was a lawyer. I am certain however that he would be as appalled as I at the state of legal affairs in this country. Lawyers advertising like payday loan companies, lawyers proudly--with straight faces--speaking in defense of criminals who have done unspeakable things, lawyers overtly waiting for
nothing more than their opportunity to run for public office. I really wish state bar associations would police lawyers. Physicians do it.
My wife has taken to putting wallet size pictures of me under the kitchen sink. No roaches, no mice; hell, nothing can live under there now.
Cell phones are getting to be a problem on the road. The state should force women to get an endorsement for their driver licenses allowing them to talk and drive. Women, I say, beause men don't use cells on the roll so much. Women turn the key and fire up the Sanyo. Then they cruise around the parking lot at all of 2 miles per hour.
I don't know, I could be wrong, but he National Organization of Women may not actually be all that interested in the welfare of women. They selectively choose women to support: never conservatives, never women who benefit from the victories of the United States Army operating under a Republican president, never women who speak out against liberal politicians. Should they not change the name of the club to National Organization of Liberal Women? Call a spade a spade.
Everyone knows who Columbus was, but no one knows the names of the folks on the dock who were laughing at him.
Liberals are an odd bunch. They don't like to produce anything (well, poetry or water colors, maybe) but they like to run things. They don't care much to be in manufacturing, service, military or financial industries being suited only for lawyering and government work. They love to tell the rest of us how we should be. Anyone who tells them how they should be is denounced and in some countries, awarded the Order of Heavy Industry and sent to Siberia. Believe me, if it ever happens, the Black Helicopters will come from the Left.
Dave Barry says, correctly, that folks who always want to tell you about their religion almost never want you to tell them about yours.
This is a great country. Either the hand of God or an accident of birth put us all here but how lucky we are. We can bitch about the government and not fear for our freedom. We have flush toilets and air conditioning. If you want to quit your job and move to New Mexico and sit cross-legged in the sun on the desert, you can do it and no one can stop you. You do not fear anything as long as you obey most of the laws and stay out of the bad parts of town and mind your own business. Much of the world can't even comprehend any of this. We take a lot of it for granted and shouldn't because it would go away if not for some gusty folks in the armed services. So thanks, God. It's nice to be able to clean out the well.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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