This camera wasn't state of the art. I bought it eight years ago. It was a 2-meg Canon Powershot which took terrific pictures. The files it made were easily sent as attachments and took little room if posted to a blog. A really great camera for me, serving me well for all this time.
I set it down and haven't seen it since.
Someone threw it away or stole it, I don't know which. As an item to fence, it wouldn't bring much. I had four rechargeable batteries inside and four spares in the case, all of which were worth more than the camera itself. I guess most wouldn't know that but camera technology changes so fast it's insane. Eight years is a lifetime in that business.
That was Wednesday. Friday night I bought a new one, another Canon. This one has been out for nine or ten months, the SX120 IS. It is inexpensive and has about the same features the other one did, just with a better lens. I don't need a lot of extras, but I do appreiate the improved zoom and larger screen.
It just gnaws at me that someone may be holding my pictures from family events, my depot trip last fall to the Ozarks, and the photos I took on the last day with my work family. If it was a theft, it is going to disappoint him/her greatly when he is offered squat.
The new one is smaller and lighter, but last Wednesday I lost my work friends, all five of them, and my camera who was kind of a friend as well. We have been lots of places together, places even Adorable Wife h
That's enough loss for one week. I hope everyone else is healthy and happy right here.
The new camera takes good pictures too, like this one of the salvia in the back yard. We just don't have a history with each other yet.
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