Sunday, June 21, 2009

Snow's almost all melted now

Eight days have passed since my last post. We have been really busy getting ready for and taking a little 3-day vacation. It required a lot of up-front planning at work for the troops to get along without me. To be sure, I am expendable, but they are used to me doing all the "sweeping" out in front of their industrial curling stone.

On the evening of that last post it was a wonderful specimen of Spring in the Midwest--the metaphorical Jennifer Aniston of weather. Well you can kiss that all goodbye. In this past week Jennifer moved out and the metaphorical Rosie O'Donnell moved in. Tonight it was a balmy 90 degrees, with the humidity hovering around a similar number. There was no breeze to cool the brow or give battle to the various insects that attempted to call me home. Today is the first day of summer; the solstice, the longest day of the year. Ahead of us lie three months of the heat we longed for all winter. It's here, fans.

Really, we all love summer. On all but the hottest, most humid days outdoor activity beckons. The fortunate ones among us can take a week or two and visit another part of the country or the world. We can charcoal a steak, a slab of ribs or a salmon fillet without concern for the cold. You can throw on shorts and a T-shirt and go anywhere except church or your arraignment. Baseball is king, but the NFL opens for business at the end of July giving hope of crisp fall days ahead.

Starting tomorrow the days will grow shorter. Imperceptibly at first but by August the change will be noted. By the middle of September it will be striking. And watch out--September will be closing on us very shortly causing us to wonder where the summer went.

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