Saturday, February 14, 2009

Who do I see about this?

The girls in the dispatch office always have a celebrity magazine laying around; People, Us, In Touch and their ilk. I just perused one, and I swear, some of those people must exist only to be in celebrity magazines. They don't show up in mainstream anything. They don't sing or act--well or at all. They don't host TV shows or tell jokes. They are of questionable athletic ability. With no visible talents, why, why, WHY are these people famous?

Of course I exaggerate. Some of them are in obscure cable TV shows. Some have an obscure album in the backwater of the music business. Others have appeared briefly in some ill-advised cinematic endeavor. Still yet others have modeled clothing, or a notable lack of it, and caught the eye of an aggressive public relations operative.

I call it the Paris Syndrome, honoring their queen: Paris Hilton. I know I am not breaking new ground here but she slipped into the public eye doing nothing more adept than attending the parties of her rich, young, obnoxious peers. Once the eye focused, we learned she can't sing or act, and has no credentials as a political analyst. Neither has she displayed a simple ability to drive a car, which passed her briefly into the custody of Los Angeles corrections authorities. Unlike other budding young female icons, she isn't even particularly attractive.
Paris Syndrome peoples' real profession is a liberal spending of their -- or their parents' -- money. Money for dance clubs with $20 beers, money for parties, money for travel to parties often conducted in foreign countries and money for overpriced, ugly designer clothes. None of them seem to add any value to society beyond posing for photos.

So my guess is they really don't care about acting or singing or working to create their own fame, as much as to have fame just find them. With the profusion of Entertainment Tonight and her sisters on television, and the urban-phonebook sized stack of celebrity periodicals it is incresingly more likely to be found. Paris was found. They found such superstars as Andrea Bowen, Audrina Partridge and Seth Green.


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